Thursday, November 3, 2011

Some good news, for a change :)


1 comment:

  1. I've got the bug too. I own the Freecycle site in Memphis but I curb also. Here it's more of a suburban affair not too many dumpsters. Lots of driving around but I enjoy it. I Ebay a few items just for the heck of it. I figure I break even with the steep price of gas.

    I also have a shop full of tools and extra parts. Lots of bikes to the Hope Church outreach and crates and catch cages to the animal rescue groups. I have to leave a lot behind since I just don't have room. So much waste. It's a disposable society.

    My grown kids go with me, it's good quality time and they enjoy it. The girlfriend of one of my son's wants me to take them sometime.

    I guess treasure hunting is contagious.
